Monday, April 20, 2009

The next entry - "Learning to Come Alongside"

It was a very different weekend: the one that just past. When times are different and filled with intense and unique events, I seem to live in the weekend way past it's sunset... this was one of those times. These are times worth remembering on "paper" and sharing with friends.

Going into the Saturday, I was still marveling about Friday and how I'd been invited to meet the head of a counselling agency of which a friend and colleague is a partner. It turned into a offer of more work for me at a time when we are very much wondering how we are going to pay a bill coming due soon. This agency also graciously provided for another matter that limited my availability, not only for their work but for other work I could potentially do with this obstacle out of the way - I love the way my Dad takes care of my family and I. The God of more than enough - El Shaddai, He is called "The Double-Breasted One" and I marvel at that name and how it applies to nursing a child - He nurtures me.

Saturday was to be a whirlwind of people, activities and emotions - it was also worship and joy. I was to attend an event sponsored by Creekside Church for Foster Care Parents at which an adult adoptee friend of mine was speaking. It was too much to fit in tho and I regretted not being able to go - I heard it went well and that my friend was inspiring! It filled me with joy.

I had a guitar lesson to take my daughter to in the morning on Saturday. My wife and I switch-off taking her and sometimes we linger and listen to the lesson on the teacher's cozy sofa. His living-room is filled with the tools of his trade: a digital drum set, a keyboard, guitars, amplifiers and a laptop linked in with the keyboard and the amp. I, in leisure, smile and enjoy their repartee and the way they synch up as they play and he teaches and encourages. She is an amazing guitarist for her age and I silently pray for a garage worship band or church band where she can grow with other musicians - it will come... I thank her teacher on the way out the door for his faithful gift to my daughter.

Then, it's off to my two daughter's riding lesson, which I feel compelled, somehow to attened. My wife Ivy drops us off at the stables. I've got another chapter to finish for my course later on Saturday and I'm sure I can read and watch. The girls want me to use their hi-tech camera to take some video... and close friend and mother of on of the other riders in the group lesson shows up and we enjoy catching up on the past few weeks. They are deeply affected by the recession and again, silently as we chat. I find myself thanking God for provision for them and firmly praying for more... We don't have a church right now, but I'm satified by fellowship with her and her dear husband and family. I naturely tell them they need to come over for dinner soon, again... We talk about work and family and what it means to be in fellowship and "do church", and I reminice in my mind about living close by to this family and how satisfying our freindship was and is.

Needless to say, I "man" the digital video task and many jumps and "rounds" are captured for later anaysis and sharing with friends. [The funny thing is, major snippets of my convo with this friend are caught on audio as well and Ivy laughs as she hears the audio on Sunday as the girls share the video with a friend...] Ivy laughed because I didn't put much time into that 2nd chapter at the arena... I put time in with my daughters and my friend. Ivy laughs cuz that is "me". Clearly sometimes, she gets the unenviable role of reminding me that "tasks" must be done and people can wait... so true... so hard, sometimes...

The smell and feel of the stables: the "horsey" arena - the fresh hey, sitting on it and reading from my text and occasionally getting up to see what the girls were up to with their tacking chores of equine love. The horses are such characters and the love and friendships the girls have with these mostly tamed beasts is such a joy of which to be a part. We may end up with that hobby farm yet... And then there's Darla, the JRT, who greeted Ivy and I when we 1st got there. She came and jumped up and licked us and whined to be attended to and fussed over. Animals, perpetual children to enjoy caring for and to have companionship with - a place to give and recieve that oftens seems to flow much easier than with people. But our canine licked faces smiled at each other as we enjoyed this greeting from our doggie hostess and Ivy and giggled about our shared love of JRT's and just being kissed by this cute 'lil guy! This is LIFE, these are our joys and we share them and smile into each others eyes.

Then comes the afternoon...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday musings, new friends and Easter Service at a new[ish] church

I went to a 7a gathering of guys at Tim's this morning here in the K-W area. The anticipation of the event was great enough to alert my inner alarm clock [I don't usually use an alarm clock] and I was awake and ready to go pretty quickly. The sunrise's beginnings was seen as I drove down to my 1st set of lights and I wondered what it would be like meeting with these guys.

Finding this group of Christian men was serendipitous, for sure. I connected with the pioneer of the group via an online fellowship of men, it was amazing to talk to this fellow the same day I posted myself on this webfellowship - we talked for 20 mins and I was game to try a 1st meeting on Easter Sunday. Hmmm... The particular day of my 1st meeting with these guys was something I smiled at - rising from the dead, sins forgiven and freedom gained - ya think? I love the way Father loves me and sends me on adventures with Him.

I especially love the people I meet on the journey... When I got to Tim's there was only one person there and he was sitting off in the corner. I ordered up and while I waiting for my "Everything" bagel to be served up I went over and asked the guy if he was with the group to which this fellow I met online had invited me. He was, and so was the next guy in the door! Before I had warmed my seat, the fellow I had spoken to by phone and met online was seated as well and off we went into rousing repartee that I had to be the 1st to leave as I needed to back home for 9:45a to go to an egg hunt at a new community church we were attending with our two youngest.

I got to know a bit about the 3 guys, enjoyed their kindness, openness and maturity and thought, "yeah, I can do this reularly"... The timing was seamless as I was preparing to end a support and healing men's group in a few Sundays and would be without this kind of male fellowship. I smiled, I felt loved, I was grateful - only Dad could have put this answer to prayer together. I wonder what He's got in store for me and us through this group
- I'm ready, I need this... I need Him in the midst of it - He'll be there.

So I picked up the gang and off we went to the church. Ended up chatting with the pastor while little ones scurried all about after egg treasures. I mentioned the meeting I'd been to this morning and the way it had come about - he expressed interest in tho online fellowship. Out of the blue he asked for some of my pastoal counselling business cards - amazingly, I had just put a bunch in my wallet that morning... hearing and flowiing with God, I love that experience as things seem to fit and work together... The Egg Hunt was a neighbourhood invitational and there seemed to be a few people out from the surrounding homes and they were all having a blast. It was cool, but warm enough for a hunt. Cool enough, though for a warm cup of something inside after - the hunt went quick - 500 eggs gone - soon we were inside saying hello and having something to eat/drink. It was nice not being in charge of making it happen and just being able to enjoy meeting a few new people and talk to the few we knew from other "circles". The girls had a chance to chat with the youth pastor and got an invite out to an event tonight. I doubt they'll go, but the welcome was affirming.

The service after was good. It was a baptism for a 13 y.o. lad who did a great talk of his reason for being baptised and then came a 23 y.o. lady - her's was good too, but I was truck by this young fellow's poise and presence and his heart to see the miraculous and to follow God with all his heart. At some point I will tell him so...

As we went out to the car and I opened up the side door of the van for the girls I noticed the left back tire I had just put on yesterday was half flat! I hooked up the air pump we carry in the van and in a few minutes we were on our way. It had been a great morning and new start with some new men for me and I wondered about this particular church and where God will graft us in.

Oh boy! Here comes Easter dinner - some new sausage dish and a yummy strawberry dessert!