Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday musings, new friends and Easter Service at a new[ish] church

I went to a 7a gathering of guys at Tim's this morning here in the K-W area. The anticipation of the event was great enough to alert my inner alarm clock [I don't usually use an alarm clock] and I was awake and ready to go pretty quickly. The sunrise's beginnings was seen as I drove down to my 1st set of lights and I wondered what it would be like meeting with these guys.

Finding this group of Christian men was serendipitous, for sure. I connected with the pioneer of the group via an online fellowship of men, it was amazing to talk to this fellow the same day I posted myself on this webfellowship - we talked for 20 mins and I was game to try a 1st meeting on Easter Sunday. Hmmm... The particular day of my 1st meeting with these guys was something I smiled at - rising from the dead, sins forgiven and freedom gained - ya think? I love the way Father loves me and sends me on adventures with Him.

I especially love the people I meet on the journey... When I got to Tim's there was only one person there and he was sitting off in the corner. I ordered up and while I waiting for my "Everything" bagel to be served up I went over and asked the guy if he was with the group to which this fellow I met online had invited me. He was, and so was the next guy in the door! Before I had warmed my seat, the fellow I had spoken to by phone and met online was seated as well and off we went into rousing repartee that I had to be the 1st to leave as I needed to back home for 9:45a to go to an egg hunt at a new community church we were attending with our two youngest.

I got to know a bit about the 3 guys, enjoyed their kindness, openness and maturity and thought, "yeah, I can do this reularly"... The timing was seamless as I was preparing to end a support and healing men's group in a few Sundays and would be without this kind of male fellowship. I smiled, I felt loved, I was grateful - only Dad could have put this answer to prayer together. I wonder what He's got in store for me and us through this group
- I'm ready, I need this... I need Him in the midst of it - He'll be there.

So I picked up the gang and off we went to the church. Ended up chatting with the pastor while little ones scurried all about after egg treasures. I mentioned the meeting I'd been to this morning and the way it had come about - he expressed interest in tho online fellowship. Out of the blue he asked for some of my pastoal counselling business cards - amazingly, I had just put a bunch in my wallet that morning... hearing and flowiing with God, I love that experience as things seem to fit and work together... The Egg Hunt was a neighbourhood invitational and there seemed to be a few people out from the surrounding homes and they were all having a blast. It was cool, but warm enough for a hunt. Cool enough, though for a warm cup of something inside after - the hunt went quick - 500 eggs gone - soon we were inside saying hello and having something to eat/drink. It was nice not being in charge of making it happen and just being able to enjoy meeting a few new people and talk to the few we knew from other "circles". The girls had a chance to chat with the youth pastor and got an invite out to an event tonight. I doubt they'll go, but the welcome was affirming.

The service after was good. It was a baptism for a 13 y.o. lad who did a great talk of his reason for being baptised and then came a 23 y.o. lady - her's was good too, but I was truck by this young fellow's poise and presence and his heart to see the miraculous and to follow God with all his heart. At some point I will tell him so...

As we went out to the car and I opened up the side door of the van for the girls I noticed the left back tire I had just put on yesterday was half flat! I hooked up the air pump we carry in the van and in a few minutes we were on our way. It had been a great morning and new start with some new men for me and I wondered about this particular church and where God will graft us in.

Oh boy! Here comes Easter dinner - some new sausage dish and a yummy strawberry dessert!

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